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Autumn frost designates late autumn frost and denotes a severe situation for individuals unaccustomed to the cold.
vol.79 Come with Me and
            Play with Me,
            a Sparrow Separated
            from the Parents (2)
vol.78 Come with Me and
            Play with Me,
            a Sparrow Separated
            from the Parents (1)
vol.77 Aming For 100%
vol.76 Seventh Sense
vol.75 Triple-Check
vol.74 Congratulatory Speeches
vol.73 Living in the Near Future
Vol.75 Triple-Check
  I had a business report writing class in high school.

 The teacher gave us the sentence "Kisha no kisha, kyo no kisha de kisha suru (A reporter of your company will take today's train to return to the office)" as a bad writing example. He also told us that "匆々" is the correct two kanji characters, not "早々," to conclude a formal Japanese letter starting with "前略 (preliminaries omitted)."

 I currently work from home as an auditor who checks reports to lawyers or patent attorneys on special investigations, mostly on patents and trademarks, and relevant findings.

 Reports are triple-checked by three different persons—the Chairman, the President, and me—before submission. We have our investigators complete reports a few days before the deadline and request them for additional checks or investigations if something is unclear.

 Since these are reports to lawyers or patent attorneys who are famous in the field of humanities in Japan, we make an all-out effort but are always concerned about whether they are satisfied with our work.

 Recent corner-cutting and data falsification in quality control by manufacturers have shaken trust in the worldwide recognized quality of Japanese products. Even if there were various reasons, such as cost reductions due to supply chain internationalization or price competition, misconduct was committed on a regular basis in many cases and only came to light through whistleblower disclosures.

 No managers or administrative supervisors commit wrongdoing in a workplace where each employee has a strong sense of ethics, takes pride in their job, and is fond of their products. That is why all related people—managers, administrative supervisors, and even employees—should be blamed if a company is accused of misconduct.

 As I mentioned in a previous essay, my father told me to aim for 100% in my work even if it is hard to achieve. This is what I keep in mind while doing my job. I am getting old and do not know how many more years I can be active. However, I will continue to work until my company forces me into retirement.
Masaru Sugaya

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