Parental Love |
"Wish your child to stand up
when he/she crawls. Wish your
child to walk when he/she stands
up. It is parental love." This
is a famous old saying
describing that parents want
their child to grow up healthy.
When I see a mother parenting
her infant, I can understand how
hard it is to raise a child
without any serious sickness or
if a son or daughter raised with
deep affection dies from
bullying or corporal punishment
or drops out, I guess the
parents’ grief is without
the Board of Education, and the
Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology Ministry
must be responsible for such
bullying and corporal punishment
in schools, which have been
recently social problems. This
column does not discuss
responsibilities of family and
parents as they were already
described in the past column.
So, what is wrong with
schools now? Having experienced
raising children by themselves,
most of teachers and their
supervisors should understand
the root of problems in schools.
I think the biggest
problem lies in how educators
are evaluated. Principals tend
to turn a blind eye to problems
in schools because their
management skills are questioned
if any problem is found to
exist. Teachers do not tackle
bullying because they are afraid
of backlash from parents.
Such a "don't rock the
boat" or indifferent attitude
may result from a demerit point
evaluation system. To solve this
problem, evaluation should be
based on a combination of
demerit and merit point systems,
and 20 to 30% of salary should
be merit-based to motivate
teachers. Meanwhile, teachers
must be protected and separated
from parents and mass media by
diverting pressure or interview
from them to the Board of
Education. To that end, I
believe that the Board of
Education needs to include
someone who has experience of
management in a private sector
to make a big difference in
consciousness and organization.