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Autumn frost designates late autumn frost and denotes a severe situation for individuals unaccustomed to the cold.
Vol.7 Woman's Social
Vol.6 Ways to make oneself
                mentality prepared.
Vol.5 How we should think.
Vol.4 Voting is a right,and
                        in fact,a duty.
Vol.5 How we should think.
<Philosophy isc>
 It was 46 years ago when I enrolled in college. After the enrollment ceremony and the student orientation, I attended my first lecture in philosophy. My professor, an old man as thin as a crane and obviously a philosopher type, gave his first lecture:

 gYou will marry some day. When you marry, you have quarrels. When you are young, you can make up with your spouse by simply sharing a bed overnight. But when you are my age, it is not as easy. For the next one year, I will be teaching you philosophy. To think of ways to avoid marital quarrels is also philosophy. In any event, thinking is very important.h

 I was stunned by his speech.

<A diamond is just another stone>
 I thought about many things over the next four years in college. One of the things I realized is that ga diamond is just another stone.h Diamonds were valueless stones in the primitive age but they are now the king of all gems.

 The value of diamonds has risen as a result of people spending the largest amount of energy acquiring them out of all gems. One must note that values of things do not exist at first.

 In fact, I had just written an essay on this theme for the Autumn Frost. However, one of the firmfs staff pointed out that there is a similar essay on a website on diamonds in Belgium. In my opinion, this is my theory which I came up with 41 years ago, even before I graduated from college and this Belgian website came after me. However, I gave up on putting this essay in the Autumn Frost in the end and threw my manuscript into a waste basket.

<Question everything>
 Diamonds, of course, have excellent qualities as gems and people have therefore raised the status of diamonds to the king of gems. However, there is a large difference between accepting their king status from the start and pondering why they have become the king. The difference will become even larger when we think about their qualities. We cannot see into essence of things by merely accepting things in the world as they are. Furthermore, we will not be able to acquire an ability to question information coming out of newspapers, magazines, TV, radio or Internet either.

 Philosophers like to use difficult technical terms but the gist of philosophy is to ask gwhyh to everything around us.

 gWhy does he talk behind my back?h gWhy did my boss get mad at me?h Before getting offended or over-reacting, ask gwhy?h It will definitely add depth and richness to your life.
Masaru Sugaya

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